Serving families, building relationships and raising money
Compassionate Care ALS is a unique, non-profit organization that offers immediate support and equipment to families faced with a diagnosis of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). With minimal paperwork, no waiting period and no insurance forms, CCALS helps families manage the many difficult decisions and overwhelming needs that ALS demands. I donate my services to provide event logos and fund-raising materials.

The “Wear Blue / Bring Green” event was designed to be a “friend-raiser” as well as a fund-raiser. Guests were encouraged to dress casually and tickets were modestly priced to encourage participation from an expanded audience of potential new donors. The casual ambiance, elegantly catered food and a luxurious setting put attendees in a generous mood and made for a very successful event.

The program included tributes from the host families as well as sponsored pages from corporate donors.

Family-run fund-raising events provide much-needed support for CCALS. I provide event logos, web banners and social media icons. “David’s Old Silver Swim” honors a dentist who loved his 5:00 am swims. The event raises funds every year for Compassionate Care ALS. Contestants wear hot orange event-branded swim caps.

“Community Harvest” offered “an evening of poetry, humor and song” to raise money to help a family struggling with the extraordinary costs of ALS.

The annual Falmouth Road Race is a primary fund-raising event for the organization. Website graphics, save-the-date cards and t-shirts help to promote the popular race.

"Team Gordie" organized a Curling match to raise funds for CCALS in honor of a beloved friend.
Grateful thanks to HB Agency and the Wallace family for sharing their “Wear Blue / Bring Green” concept from a previous CCALS fund-raising event.